
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Facebook Live Read-A-Thon Event!

Facebook Live this Friday Night!

From 6pm-7pm watch our faculty and staff read some great stories! This event will be the kick off to our month long Read-A-Thon!

We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Kindergarten Leads here to welcome to to the 2020-2021 School year! 

We wanted to show you our team is excited and ready to take on the challenge of remote learning. You will see all of us from time to time during your independent learning. We are excited to work with you and your families and value being partners with you in this year. We are grateful and overwhelmingly blessed by the support and excitement we are receiving from all our Lincoln families. It feels good to be 'back'! 

In order: Ms. Manis in KB, Mrs. Chance in KA, Mrs. Larson in KC, and Mrs. Ross in KB.